As Featured in:


The Marriage Saving Strategies You've Been Waiting For!

28 Days of Relationship Gold to Take Your Marriage From Struggling to Thriving

Is There Anything Worse Than Living The Same Day

Over And Over When Your Marriage Is Failing?

Living the same day over and over. Fighting about the same things. Feeling the same miserable way. With no hope, and no idea for how to fix it.

And good luck getting your spouse to a marriage counselor's office to spill your deepest, darkest secrets. And let's be honest... you don't want to, either.

Plus money is already a source of stress and the idea of spending tens of thousands of dollars you don't have on hundreds of hours of marriage counseling is just not going to happen.

You're at a loss for what to do!

Can you imagine healing your marriage, enjoying the process and it costing less than a date night?


What would you do if you were stung by a scorpion? Cry? ...well maybe, but then you'd get to work trying to find someone to pee on you. That helps right?

Point is, you wouldn't do nothing. You'd do what you could to make it better, because you know doing nothing is never a good option.

The same is true for your marriage.

Things don't just get better by doing nothing.

They get worse. Resentments grow, communication and trust further breakdown.

You need the skills and strategies to repair the damage (no urine required).

Feeling Unappreciated?

You're a real life Superhero.

You do a lot for your family and sometimes it feels like that goes unnoticed.

You feel undervalued, Like your concerns are not heard or understood, and you're tired of giving everything you have and still feel like it's never enough.

Your spouse feels the same. Then it becomes a competition about who does more and who brings more value into the relationship and then that leads to one of you bringing up money and then forget about it... What just happened?

Constantly Fighting?

You're tired of fighting...

about the same things over and over again. It's exhausting.

Your concerns fall on deaf ears.

Your spouse feels the same way. You say red they hear blue. Everything little thing turns into a fight. until you both have no energy left to even do that, and then it's just silent treatment, and avoiding each other.

Maybe you're hiding in other parts of the house. maybe you're hiding in your phones, maybe you're hiding with other people. Either way you're not spending time together because it's become too hard. It used to be so easy.

No Intimacy?

You just want a nice big hug.

You cant remember the last time you were connected enough to even get a hug that you so desperately crave, let alone any sort of intimacy deeper than that.

It just feels like there is this invisible wall between you and neither of you know how to breakthrough and be together like you used to.

It feels like it's been forever since either of you felt truly seen, appreciated, or desired.

Is it too much to ask to just feel their touch?

It Does Not Have To Be This Way.

A New Reality IS Possible For You...

We learned the hard way...

We both struggled in relationships, through bad breakups and expensive divorce.

Given those painful situations, we weren't sure if relationships and especially marriage were for us.

But we took the hard lessons from those mistakes and past failures and we applied them to our new relationship with each other.

Before long, we began to get comments about the strength of our relationship and people were asking us for advice with their relationships.

We realized that what we have is special and that it could really help a lot of people.

We learned that what we went through was for a reason and it was actually a gift that we can now use to help others so they don't need to experience the deep sense of failure, pain and regret that we did.

I've received so Much Value!

I've immersed myself in the Road of Life ‘Exponential Relationship’ series, which has been instrumental in strengthening my relationship with my wife. It's a fantastic series that I highly recommend.
My experience with Road of Life has been phenomenal. I’ve received so much value and encouragement.

Matt G.



The Exponential Relationship Series

28 Day Relationship Series designed to take your marriage from struggling to thriving.

Daily videos, exclusive podcast episodes, curated exercises, exclusive access to live Q&A calls and a private Facebook Group.

All designed to bring you and your spouse closer than ever, without spending hours spilling the beans to a complete stranger and sacrificing your kids' college fund to pay for it.

Here's what's included:

  • Learn how to communicate so you actually hear each other.

  • Feel seen, heard, valued and respected for all the awesomeness you bring to the marriage... because there is a lot of it.

  • Learn to begin trusting each other one again.

  • Rediscover a zest for life through play, fun and adventure, like when you were kids, but better because now you can stay up late and do whatever you want.

28 Day Relationship Video Series

Every day for 28 days, a new, witty (if we do say so ourselves) email comes your way.

Inside that witty email contains your daily dose of goodness in the form of a video of us describing a powerful and practical relationship strategy, and how you can begin using it today to improve your marriage.

We cover a lot of stuff. Everything from feeling seen, heard, and respected, to how to have a difficult conversation, to money issues and everything in between.

We even learn a new lingo, jam out to some Nelly (who doesn't love a little Country Grammar or Hot in Herre?), talk about superpowers and get poetic.

The strategies are exactly what you've been praying for and the lighthearted way we deliver it, is what you've been hoping for.

Take your communication to the next level, begin to rebuild the lost trust, re-spark the intimacy and help you rediscover the fun and adventure in your marriage. Like the good ol' days... and have a lot of fun in the process!

  • Deeper understanding why your marriage isn't working.

  • Increased self awareness

  • Increased resilience and emotional intelligence

  • Improved decision making

Marriage Growth Guides

Back to those witty emails... inside them, you're also going to get access to carefully crafted Marriage Growth Guides.

These Growth Guides are designed to help you go deeper on the daily strategy. You will increase your own self awareness and better understand how it has or hasn't shown up in your relationship, and offer some self reflection for how it can be improved in the future.

By going deeper internally and self reflecting you are learning why your relationship isn't working now. understanding more about who you are, what you want and need.

The more aware you become the better your future decisions become.

The growth guides also offer practical guidance to begin implementing the daily strategy in your own marriage immediately.

  • See the behind the scenes for how we use the strategy in our daily life.

  • Implement the strategy and begin seeing the change in your marriage

  • Be wooed by our unique charms and views on relationships

Road of Life Podcast Episodes

Also included in half of those witty emails we mentioned earlier, will be a link to a curated episode of the Road of Life Podcast that will dive deeper on the strategy for that day.

We share stories about how we've used the strategies in our own marriage, and practical tips for you so you can begin using it in yours.

Life Is So Much Better When You Have a Healthy Happy Marriage

Have More Energy!

You know all that energy that you don't have now because your marriage drains you?

Once you fix that issue you're going to have so much energy you're not going to know what to do.

Now you can take your new well of energy and do all the things you've always wanted to do.

Ukulele lessons here you come!

Have More Time!

A struggling marriage takes time, Everything seems harder and takes more effort.

You will free up more time for yourself, for your kids, to spend with your spouse, doing things you both love.

You will have more family time to create happy memories that will last a lifetime...

and time for more ukulele lessons.

Have Better Health!

An unhealthy and unhappy marriage is stressful.

And stress causes countless health problems from anxiety and depression to loss of sleep and appetite.

When you have a healthy happy marriage you're a lot less stressed, your sleep improves, your appetite returns and you have more energy and time to prioritize your health.

So maybe a gym session, after all those ukulele lessons?

In 28 days you can have the healthy, happy marriage where you:

  • feel truly connected with your spouse,

  • spend quality time together,

  • talk to each other again,

  • laugh together,

  • and feel seen, heard, valued and respected.

While enjoying the process of healing your marriage, and without spending hours in marriage counseling sharing your secrets with a stranger


Learn strategies to improve your communication and intimacy, so you can stop the fighting and arguing and focus on reconnecting and building your dream marriage


Rebuild trust through carefully crafted guides and activities


Enjoy the process of healing your marriage. It does not need to be more arguing and fighting and trips to a marriage counselor, spilling the beans on the past.

You Can Have That Healthy, Happy Marriage Of Your Dreams

  • Without having to share your deepest darkest secrets with a stranger

  • Without having to bring family or friends into your relationship

  • Without having to sell a kidney to afford help

  • Without having to go on the journey alone and figure it all out by yourself


The Amazing Bonuses


Exclusive Bonus Podcast Episodes

Remember those podcasts we talked about earlier?

Those were podcast episodes that we recorded for our publicly available "The Road of Life Podcast".

These are different.

These are basically unicorn tears that a leprechaun collected in his pot of gold. Meaning they are rare.

These are not publicly available. These were created just for you for this series

You'll get 13 bonus relaxed and funny (but also concise and to the point) podcasts to dive into some of the concepts to a level we've never gone before publicly and we share some stories and tips we've never told before.


Private Facebook Group Community

Humans are not meant to always be alone.

Life is more fun when you have a supportive community in your corner, cheering you on, celebrating your wins, picking you up if you're having a moment and there to answer any questions and offer support when you're unsure.

You'll be part of a private Facebook Community of like-hearted rockstars working on their marriage, to surround you with the support and encouragement you need as you take your marriage to new heights,


Exclusive Office Hours Access

We saved the best for last.

You are cordially invited to join us on our twice monthly office hours call.

This is your opportunity to ask us about anything that's going on in your relationship.

We will work directly with you and offer you guidance on whatever you're working through in your marriage.

We want to get you as much support as possible so these office hours calls are not to be missed.

They will supercharge your results.

Get this and much more with

Exponential Relationship Series

  • 28 Day Exponential Relationship Video Series (Value $777)

  • Marriage Growth Guides (Value $197)

  • ROL Podcast Episodes (Value $77)

  • BONUS: Exponential Relationship Podcast Episodes (Value $197)

  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community (Value $77)

  • BONUS: Office Hours (Value $1997)


Today's Price $497

Savings of $2,825!


The Exponential Relationship Series is for Superheroes who...

  • Don't want to get a divorce.

  • Are committed to heal their marriage now.

  • Want to enjoy the process.

  • Know they need some help.

  • Want to be an example for their kids.

  • Want better health.

  • Want a better life.

  • Who are coachable.


Do not purchase

The Exponential Relationship Series if...

  • You're not committed to healing your marriage.

  • You're cheating on your spouse and unwilling to move back into integrity.

  • There is active abuse in the relationship.

  • You're expecting a magic bullet with no work required from you.

  • You want to continue to do what you have been doing.

  • You're not willing to make time to change.

"I can't recommend it enough"

I can't recommend the Exponential Relationship program enough. Thank you, Meredith and Craig for such a fun and enriching experience.



"It helped SO much"

Meredith and Craig are fabulous people. We went through their relationship coaching last summer and it helped SO much. It’s fun and relatable. They’re vibrant, funny and totally get ‘it’.



"Incredible at what they do"

These two are absolutely incredible at what they do and who they are. I don’t believe there are words that will do any justice to how highly I recommend them.



DOn't Wait

For This Extremely Limited Time Offer

We've created this program with you in mind.

We know that many options to heal your marriage may feel out of reach financially.

You don't have any extra organs to donate, and love your kids most of the time so you're not looking to sell one of them either.

That's why we've created this offer for you.

But we also know that most people will procrastinate in getting the help they need. We also know from experience that the longer it takes you to make the decision to heal your marriage, the harder it will be to heal.

So we packed this offer with as much value as possible and offered it for as small of an investment as we could, for you to say: this is a no-brainer, hell yes, I'm in, let's rock!

We are 100% committed to helping you fix your marriage and to honor that, we want to help you make the decision to finally fix your marriage and be the example for your kids of a happy healthy marriage.

So we are making this offer at this price to you just one time.

After this, you will have to pay the full price...which is still a bargain.

So let's do this, and get you into the happy marriage where you're loving life and the envy of all your friends and family.

The 100% Satisfaction


This area should provide your guarantee for this product to make it a no-brainer offer.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam.

Get this and much more with

Exponential Relationship Series

  • 28 Day Exponential Relationship Video Series (Value $777)

  • Marriage Growth Guides (Value $197)

  • ROL Podcast Episodes (Value $77)

  • BONUS: Exponential Relationship Podcast Episodes (Value $197)

  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community (Value $77)

  • BONUS: Office Hours (Value $1997)


Today's Price $497

Savings of $2,825!

But I have questions...

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time will this take?

This is a 28 day journey. Plan to set aside about 20-30 minutes/day. Your marriage is worth the time investment.

Does my partner need to do it with me for it to work?

No. Obviously it's always better to have your spouse join you. But it is NOT necessary. Only one committed spouse is needed to begin the work of healing a marriage. Once your partner sees you start to change and all the fun you're having, they won't be able to resist joining in on all the action.

What makes this different from other programs?

So many things, but to start, we understand that often times marital problems and divorce can seem similar to cancer. And by that, we mean that the treatment can often feel worse than the disease. And that's what prevents so many from getting the help they need. So we make it a lighthearted, enjoyable process that you look forward to.

Can I access the material anytime?

You will get access to a new strategy every day, so that you have time to learn it and implement it. Once that day's resources are provided to you, you can access them 24/7.

Will I have access to the program materials after the 28 days?

Yes. You will continue to have access to the videos, marriage growth guides, and all of the podcast episodes beyond the 28 days. You will gain access to a new, alumni Facebook group for continued community support. Access to the office hours and the private Facebook group will end when the 28 days are over.

To summarize all the stuff you likely skipped above

(why didn't we just have you come

here in the first place?)

We want you to know that you can have the marriage you've always wanted,

The version of marriage you see when you close your eyes and allow yourself to dream.

To have it, you have to take the first step by making a decision to HAVE that relationship you dream of.

We've done everything we can to make that decision as easy as possible for you. It's the easiest decision you'll ever make.

You're going to get:

The 28-day video series to walk you through a marriage saving strategy per day,

Podcast episodes for every strategy to deepen your understanding and help you apply it in real life,

Marriage Growth Guides to help you implement the concepts and begin healing your marriage,

A private Facebook group to support you on your journey,

And access to our exclusive office hours where you can work directly with us on any specific issues that are tripping you up in your marriage.

We want you to win, so we are offering you all of that value for as low as we can possibly go and still motivate you to show up.

But this offer will not last forever, and that's because we love you and we want you to begin healing your marriage today.

If you're finally ready to heal and have the happy, healthy marriage you know you deserve, then let's do this together.

With love,

Meredith & Craig

Get this and much more with

Exponential Relationship Series


Today's Price $497

Savings of $2,825!

  • 28 Day Exponential Relationship Video Series (Value $777)

  • Marriage Growth Guides (Value $197)

  • ROL Podcast Episodes (Value $77)

  • BONUS: Exponential Relationship Podcast Episodes (Value $197)

  • BONUS: Private FB Community (Value $77)

  • BONUS: Office Hours (Value $1997)

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